Monos Delainy Ophion AlbaPersonal Motto: Flip the mirror and see things from another perspective!
Hello and welcome to my site. Here is where I debut my work. Enjoy your stay! Personal pronouns (until something better comes up): Singular They, their, and them. Aspirations: To become a writer. Favourite Genres: Horror/Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Drama/Relationships. Dark Fantasy, and Dark Comedy. Interests/Likes: The Chakras, Psychology, Sociology, folklore, the preternatural, art, reading, writing, and poetry. |
Current Project(s): |
The Pharmakembru Series
Genres: Medical Horror, Mystery, Suspense Pharmakembru is a (primarily) Horror series that focuses on the lives of a group of friends, who have strange and churning adventures as they grow up and learn of how their mysterious exploits are connected. |
History |
Had a talent for writing, but never got serious about it until High School, when attempts were made to write fiction for scholarships and contests. Emphasis on attempts.
Currently studying in the Atlantic Canadian region. |